The City of Mouscron is active in mobilizing the construction / renovation sector in order to decarbonise its buildings and reach the A label (best energy performance standard) in 2050.
A training course for architects was held at the end of September to test the new renovation policy instruments set up by the municipality: the Quickscan, the Roadmap to 2050 and the Building Passport.
Quickscan is a new web tool for raising awareness of energy performance. In a few clicks, and without the intervention of a professional, it makes it possible to estimate the energy performance of a single-family residential building, by association with a representative building typology of the Walloon park. The City of Mouscron offers the complete mandatory energy audit to its citizens (worth € 1000) in view of obtaining regional renovation bonuses.
The building passport will soon bring together in digital form all (administrative and technical) information on buildings (the energy performance certificate, information on flood risks or possible soil pollution). It will be covering the entire life of the building, to simplify the procedures for construction or renovation.
The involvement of architects in the city's roadmapping process and the efforts of the local government in the coordination of stakeholders in the construction sectors will contribute to the achievement of Mouscron's environmental and climate objectives in this domain!